I hope I will be able to say “Motherhood” was my greatest achievement in this life. And I don’t mean just birthing children. I couldn’t be prouder of my children. I love them fiercely and if you want to test that I will happily prove it.
Parenthood, aside from its biological definition, is about creating and nurturing something until it becomes self-sustaining. It’s about starting something and seeing it through with absolute persistence and dedication no matter the conflict or resistance. It is an unconditional and forgiving love for both others and self.
My most valuable life lessons have been learned from the school of Motherhood. They’re the ones that are harder to forget, too. One in particular is burned into my memory.
We’ve had our share of health scares and emergencies with our kids. My oldest daughter was right around a year old and had a threatening illness. In the middle of the night she took a turn for the worse and there was quite literally nothing more we could do for her physically.
Helplessness is the worst feeling as a parent.
I locked myself in the bathroom. I can still feel the sensation of the tile on my bare knees as I prayed desperately for her healing. I can only describe what I felt as an interruption. I was pleading in my mind when there was a pause and another voice that took over. Certainly not audible, but undoubtedly intelligible, “Heather, she’s not your child. She’s mine.”
That was not the answer I wanted but the lesson I needed and it’s influenced me for the past seventeen years. That gentle correction that though I have a tremendous responsibility I am in fact, not the most important influence in my children’s lives. It’s humbling and entreating at the same time. Though I can’t comprehend a stronger love than mine, there is one.
I was fortunate to have 36 years of influence from a remarkable mother. Even since her absence, her impact has guided me daily. Shouldn’t that be our goal as adults who have responsibility with youth? To guide them in such a way that we can withdraw and have confidence they’ll be okay? With kids, businesses, hobbies, endeavors. We should strive to, like a true mother, create sustainable influence with the important things we start.